Welcome back to Form3's .tech podcast series. This time Anton Babenko joins our host Kevin Holditch for an episode on Terraform. Terraform is one of the leading tools designed to make managing infrastructure as code across public clouds easier for developers.
Our new .tech series invites guests inside and outside of Form3, discussing current trends in the engineering world alongside shedding light into some of the engineering practices here at Form3.
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Topics covered in this show include:
-What is infrastructure as code and how Terraform fits in to the landscape
-Contrasting Terraform and AWS Cloud Formation
-Using Terraform as glue across public clouds
-Terraform Modules
-Terraform registry ( https://registry.terraform.io/ )
-Controlling cost in a cloud infrastructure
-Ensuring Compatibility
Anton's youtube (weekly terraform uploads) : https://www.youtube.com/user/cyberbob37
Anton's Serverless terraform project: https://serverless.tf/